Relics of the Reservation

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Try The Sad Science of 'Batty Boffins' who is aided by his economy class assistant Sara Deckskii, hindered by the Chimps Cid and Al (Cider and Ale) and challenged, and occasionally threatened, by an alien who has no name we know of.

Last updated: 10th November 2014
Time capsules are a popular way of preserving the present for examination at a later date by future generations. Current artefacts are placed in a sealed container, quite often cylindrical, and buried where it cannot be disturbed easily.
The SETI Institute is an organisation that is involved in the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence. It is involved in a number of activities that are intended to discover other intelligent life in the Universe.
Extra Terrestrial Intelligence life probably exists elsewhere in the Universe, but so far there hasn't been any signs to vindicate the theory
Chimpanzees and other life forms are often used in labs for scientific studies. Sadly, some of these studies harm the creatures being studied, some don't. All are intended to further scientific knowledge, some are also intended to support commercial interests.
The Earth has an ionosphere caused by ultra violet rays breaking apart atoms of air, ionising it. The Moon does not have an atmosphere and so should not have an ionosphere, but it does. It was discovered that ultra violet rays were acting on grains of dust ionising them, and the Moon is a very dusty place.
Radio telescopes are instruments that are used to detect radio signals in space. They are also invaluable for collecting data from satellites and tracking their position.
There is a decline in the Bee population. This has been linked to pesticides and habitat loss.
All you need for your own time capsule is an air and water tight container, and somewhere to put it that won't be disturbed for a very long time.
It is not well understood what the consequences of an encounter with alien species would be.
Someday, evidence that there is life out in the universe may be found
Planet of the Apes is a film franchise that explores the possibility of other primates becoming the dominant species on Earth.
The Moon does actually have a very thin atmosphere caused by gases escaping from rocks.
Radio telescopes usually have a central antenna that picks up the signals reflected from a a large disc surrounding it.
Bees are an essential part of the well being of Earth's Eco-system. Their decline is worrying scientists all over the world.
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